Join The Olivia Pope Movement & Empower Yourself

A while ago, I walked in a restaurant and as I sat down. I couldn’t help but to notice a couple sitting in the booth directly in front of me. There was nothing particularly special about this couple. There were no remarkable traits or anything seemingly revolting, in fact, the only reason they caught my attention at all was because she was white and he was black.   My first thought was,” let it pass,” but just when I started to do so, I noticed two more interracial couples in my peripheral. Now, I want to tell you that this did not irritate me in the least,  I also want to tell you that I wasn’t at all annoyed, but what I’m really going to tell you is the truth because that’s the only way that I know we as culture can progress.  What I felt that day in that moment was broken.  My heart had did a triple somersault right out of my chest onto concrete pavement and I was subdued by an overwhelming sense of sadness and not just for me, a single black woman, but for my beautiful, intelligent black daughter who will one day, if change does not occur, experience that same feeling.  As I sat there in that restaurant contemplating my daughters existence, my existence, what will be, what hasn’t been, and staring at them relentlessly, I had an awakening, an Epiphany or as Oprah would say, an  “Ah-Ha moment”. …  Why had I just given ten minutes of my energy (myself) to six people who will never know or care about my daughter or myself?  Ten whole minutes!

 At that moment, I could not answer why in 2013; I was still so deeply appalled by interracial relationships when they are as common as giving birth?  In fact there is only one thing that’s more common in this world and that is change.  So why is it that we sista’s have the hardest time adjusting? Why have we allowed ourselves to be trapped staring at change instead of evolving with it?   Why are we the ones who are struggling with altering our train of thought?  It is past time for our awakening.  Waste no more time on the black man who will never give a second thought about you, because he is too busy enjoying his life. The stares, the whispering and the constant unwarranted attention only help feed the fire. So, instead of feeding it, I triple dare you to try this… next time you see him out with his woman, compliment her on her shoes or really shock them both and compliment him on his woman. It’s time to show them that we are much bigger than what we’ve been. Steve Harvey said it best “ you can either be Big or Small but you can’t be both at the same time. “

  I can remember my brother, who is notorious for his love of the opposite race saying that his preference was  “Vanilla Ice Cream.” At that time, I wanted to punch him in his freaking face!  After all, how can a black man who grew up in a black household with a black mother and so much soul, PREFER “vanilla ice cream”? It was mind boggling at the time, but in retrospect I respect him because the only reason he knew that vanilla was his favorite was because he had tried different flavors. How many sista’s can say the same?    It is time to evolve. In 2013, I invite all sista’s to take part in the “Olivia Pope” Movement.  I invite you to open your mind and the minds of your daughters.  We must teach them that just like everyone else, they are more than capable and entitled of loving and being loved by anyone; black, white, Puerto Rican or Asian.   There is no book or law that has ever been written that’s say’s that sista’s have to be with brotha’s or brotha’s have to be with sista’s. In laymen’s terms, African American women must date only African American men. The   world is much bigger than what we see and it’s time that we allow ourselves to look around in it. Find the places in this world and in this country where black woman are revered as amazing. Open your mind to that white man around the corner who is waiting to swallow up a beautiful mocha chocolate latte. Participate in the movement, instead of hating on it.   What’s your favorite flava?  Ladies,  the train is going to take off  with or without you.  Will you jump aboard or will you be left in the tracks.


Be bold, be brave and take your life into your hands.  Be EMPOWERED!

BGE Co-Founder




6 thoughts on “Join The Olivia Pope Movement & Empower Yourself

  1. To All Of Our Beautiful African/Black/Moorish Ladies and Little Girls!!!

    I read the article written on November 19th, and this is a subject that I must chime in on. There is indeed a shortage of available Black Men that are in the (free world) position to date . If you are one of the black women that is indeed in the position as the author has written, please do not disregard the past and current plight of your closest counter-part (THE BLACK MAN).

    Over the past 50 years the African/Moor/Black (whether you’re from America, Brazil, Europe, Ethiopia ) race has been the target of Social and Financial Injustice. The protecting class of our group/tribe being the men, have been systematically destroyed in a very covert and un-polarized manner. True Statistic: 1 Million Black Men Incarcerated behind steel Bars! Black/Moorish/African (which ever you want to familiarize yourself with) make up 50% of all in prison. Since the 1960’s, the powers that be saw the strength of the black community. A united group of African/Blacks/Moors is very imposing on any controlled population. Black/African/Moorish people are a very talented as well as gifted race of human beings, with the ability to love and accept anyone of different backgrounds. History proves what happens when these people are organized, respectful, and military minded, LOOK UP THE MOORS OF EUROPE, WHOM RULED SPAIN, PORTUGAL, ITALY, and GREECE for 700 YEARS! **These African/Blacks/Moors completely changed the complexion of these white skinned people forever!!! Now Resembling Arabs, or Latinos!! Another Bi-racial Group/Tribe** My apologies for the history lesson, but these Women and Men are no where in the history books, that were written by white idealistic scholars. And there is a reason the Moors are hidden from view, as now it is becoming increasingly unpopular to talk about Black Pride/History. The Black Women has always been the pillars of Black/African/Moorish culture since the beginning of African civilization, because without you ladies we don’t have no babies!!!

    Sistahs, it is very important that you don’t forget about why our men are not around to Father our children, or Protect/Love our Women. The T.V. dare not touch upon this social injustice. Yet the directors and financial big wigs constantly cast Black Women in romantic relationships with other (white typically) men , in hopes to plant a seed. In the TV world, it is common place to never see a black power couple, but in the real world this is very typical. Your lives have become so saturated with working to pay the mortgage, keep the petroleum in your automobile, and food on the table, that you have no time to enjoy this existence. BTW, Kerry Washington, was recently just married to a black man who plays professional sports, thus being in direct conflict with the ideology of her show and this particular blog topic. And please believe, if there existed freeways from Africa, to North America, Europe, and Asia, the whole damn world would be Black/African/Moorish, but since that ain’t the case, keep your heads up ladies!!! and Stay on Your Toes! Peace and Love – from a African/Black/Moorish King & Father

    • King Oznaw, your response about the article was beautifully written and well said; however, the post was not about Kerry Washington, it’s about Olivia Pope. We can however, discuss Kerry Washington’s dating history. I’m always up for a good debate. Washington dated actor David Moscow (white) for four years, from 2003 to 2007, and eventually called off their engagement when she turned 30 in order to focus on herself. (Moscow is also a Bronx, New York, native and is most known for his role as the younger Tom Hanks in the movie “Big.”) She was also rumored to have dated MSNBC political talking head, Lawrence O’Donnell (white) in 2007. Point of my post was to say that it’s okay to explore outside of your race, which obviously Kerry Washington agrees. After exploring her options, she discovered that her favorite flava is chocolate, a fact proven by her current marriage to Nnamdi Asomugha, a black man.

      You made some really great points and we appreciate you taking the time to read and comment on our post. Please continue to support the movement and adding feedback where you feel needed.


  2. With so much going on in our communities it is very refreshing to know we have very positive and caring leaders willing to go the extra mile to help encourage and empower our black queens. We live in a selfish society and few are willing to invest the time necessary to make our young black princesses feel positive about who they are and what they can achieve. This could be the beginning of a movement worthy of our attention. You have my support and I hope the support of thousands or millions of others. During this journey or endeavor please do not sell yourselves short of your goals. You are true servants of our lord and savior.

    • Rick, thank you for your positive and uplifting comment. We are very happy that you have decided to support this movement. You said it best, “We live in a selfish society and few are willing to invest the time necessary to make our young black princesses feel positive about who they are and what they can achieve.” Our main goal is to change this so that the next generation can be the best generation.

      Please continue to support BGE by sharing our post with your friends and family and subscribing to our blog so that you can stay in the know on our progress and growth as we take this journey towards change.
      Thank you,

  3. I enjoyed this article, and feel the title is very appropriate. The Olivia Pope Movement! A black woman in love with a white man and on TV for all to enjoy! Times have surely changed, and change is good. Olivia Pope may very well open up the eyes of black women to explore different avenues of love. I believe we as black women have a certain loyalty to our black men that they obviously do not have for us, or maybe we are just afraid to explore the other colors of the rainbow. Today is the day that we all have to start realizing that we too can find love in other races. We too can step outside of the box and be bold and empowered to shape our own destiny and not let the past define us. Not let the past force us into “black love”. I love black love, but I love, love more. Regardless of the color I think we as black women should start jumping in and letting our alter ego out. Our Olivia Pope out. I agree this website is very empowering and for me as a single black mother of a young girl, I have to change my outlook in order for her to change hers. It starts with me!

  4. Hi Tammy,
    Thank you for your words of encouragement. We are so happy that you find our blog empowering. This lets us know that our purpose is being met. We hope that you follow so that you can receive more of our post as well as share the post you enjoy with others. Thank you so much for taking the time to bless us with your awesome comments.


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